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Friday, May 21, 2010


I am going to make some posters and put them around our school by Tuesday.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Bad News

Hi everyone I was doing some reaserch about the yangtze river dolphin and got the bad news that they are extinct. But the good news is that we can try and stop this from happening with the other dolphins.
please share your ideas on how we can stop this crim.
post a comment.


Stephanie's fundraiser
bottle drive

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Problem?- The Yangtze river dolphin are going to be extinct because of the carelessness of humans.

Why should others care?- Others should care because they are loosing a beautiful species of dolphin that don't deserve to die. They would also be saving lives.

Why should I care?- I care because I love dolphins and I don't think that they should die because of humans. I also don't want this to happen to other animals.

What am i going to do?- I am going to spread awareness around public places like schools and let people know what is going on and try to stop it!

Monday, May 10, 2010

1) Do computers give us more human connections or fewer human connections?
I think that the computer gives us fewer human connections because for example if you meet someone on the internet it is very unlikely that you would see them. And if you were to go for a walk and got into a conversation with someone it is more likely that you would meet them.

2) 5 rules for manners and ethics
  • no playing computer games at school.
  • no chatting on facebook.
  • maintaining privacy by not logging into other peoples accounts.
  • not browsing on sites not suitable for our age group.
  • using the computer for reasonable time to allow others access as well.
3)should teachers encourage or discourage multitasking?
I think that teachers should discourage multitasking because when you are doing two things at the same time you cant concentrate on one thing and you would be confused all the time.

4) 6 word poem.
stop! let me play with friends.
